Sunday, November 3, 2013

The Resurrection Begins on the 38UL

The previous owner of my 38 motor decided to fill in the pock marks on the cases with some kind of aluminum filler. It looked like shit, no two ways about it. Some kind of putty that supposedly would polish out to look like aluminum. But it looked like shit. My buddy has access to a nice blasting cabinet at work and he said I could use it today so I took him up on it. They cleaned up nicely but Crater Face would be a fitting nickname for these case halves. It looks as if this motor sat buried in the dirt. I'm confident that all can be fixed with the almighty TIG. Here are some shots of the 75 year old cases all washed up after blasting.

The flywheel assembly was supposedly trued but it didn't appear to be, seemed way too loose. I took it up to Stevensons in Wayne, MI and they said that everything appears new but that it was just assembled, not trued. So they're torquing and truing and I just have to get these cases ready for the crank.

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