Friday, October 25, 2013

"Stoned and Blue" a Cosmic 41' UL chopper!!

On Instagram I posted a picture of a Corners 41UL chopper that passed onto Alberto in Italy and then has recently been sold, I believe. It's one of my favorite flatheads so I thought I'd make a blog post out of it. I first saw this bike on Chopper Daves website, early 2000's. These pictures are from Church of Choppers and it looks like the same timeframe as the Chopper Dave photos..

And then with a new paintjob, striped flames, iron cross and lettering by Blaster and the great pictures are from Throttle FMC

And lastly I scanned my copy of Greasy Kulture #9 which featured "Stoned & Blue" 

So there you go, at some point Alberto ditched the tall sissy bar as it's not in the GK article, but everything else remains the same. I thought at some point I'd read he was running a 19" out back, but in the article it says an 18", either way it's all class. The stance with the springer, the hummer tank, upsweeps... plus the finish on the aluminum parts, so tuff.

On a side note, I thought I'd use this blog to gather all the flatheads, choppers and stockers, that inspire me as I'm in the process of building a 38UL chopper. 
Follow me on Instagram too @flatheadfever