Friday, November 15, 2013

A Sort-Of-Special 80

Whoa man, this is a far out Flathead! My good friend Leo let me borrow his Big Bike from July 1970 with this pink 43 ULH chopper on the cover. I had saw the cover shot of the bike floating around on the web for sometime. Then I saw it awhile back on Freedom Machine & Accessories blog, Harpoon was diggin' on it I believe.  This is probably a way too far out path for myself and the UL to go down, but who knows? I ran 4 over tubes on my Cone Nose, early super glide front end. I dug just riding down over curbs and carvin corners. Now I'm running early sportster tubes which I think are 1" under the stock super glide ones and I love the nimbeness of it, responds better? maybe.

and last but certainly not least, my Cone Nose habit as it sits, on a sunnier day a few weeks ago.

1 comment:

you've got to crack a few eggs to make an omelette said...

Hi Chuck
I dont know if you know this blog but there are so many cool flathead pictures
Best regards